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Reluctant to share details about the materials used in its cables, one thing Tellurium Q can share with us about the Black Waveform is that it is developed from the previous Waveform range of cables, with improved shielding and what it calls “other interesting developments” designed to aid its digital signal carrying capabilities. It can be supplied with BNC or RCA connectors at either one or both ends.
All cables from any manufacturer (in fact anything an electronic signal passes through), will act as an electronic filter which just means that relative phase distortion occurs i.e. a smearing of the natural sound. With this in mind, we have designed cables to be either slightly tailored towards an audiophiles requirement to help with their system or highly neutral and revealing. This has given rise to a 3X3 “matrix” to allow you to pick the level of performance and the sonic quality of your cables with a greater degree of confidence, and accuracy of choice than ever before. It is an unusual approach, but one that audiophiles globally are beginning to really appreciate, and one of the major reasons that Tellurium Q have won so many product of the year awards in such a short time.